Rom. 16:17 - Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them.

2 Tim. 2:25 - In meekness correcting those who oppose, if perhaps God may give them repentance unto the full knowledge of the truth.

Notes 104-106 - Teaching Outward Practices to Be Filled in Spirit

104Promoting Jumping to Be Delivered from the Self and Filled with the Spirit

Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, February 18, 2007, Message 3:

By this morning we have had more than 8,000 saints in this conference. It was very normal that you all were being filled with the Spirit, calling on the Lord, jumping, and singing hymns. We need to maintain such a condition in life.

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Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, February 19, 2007, Message 5:

Gradually we are getting old. At the beginning, you were burning, filled with the Spirit as drunk with the wine, and jumping around; that is beautiful. Then as you are jumping, you might also be getting old. I am not saying that without jumping we cannot be filled with the Spirit. But anyone who is filled with the Spirit must have jumped. If you have not jumped, you have not been filled with the Spirit.

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Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, September 8, 2007, Message 13:

When you were in the judicial recovery, did you see people jumping around with joy? But they do it now because they are filled with the Spirit, just as they are drunk with the wine. If your mind is still in the judicial realm, you will reject it and dismiss it as a Pentecostal move. It shows that your mind is not yet renewed. The Holy Spirit has led us to have something new. Romans tells that we have the newness of the spirit...therefore your mind needs to keep up with the newness in your spirit.

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Dong Yu Lan, A Restauração Orgânica [ The Organic Recovery], p. 35:

Sometimes in the church meetings when the brothers are releasing the Spirit some may think: "Why are they doing that? Why are they jumping?" Or they may even think: "I am spiritual and a spiritual man cannot behave as a drunken man. A spiritual man should be quiet and have self control." They cannot overcome their concepts because the outer man is a hard shell to crack. Nevertheless, this is not what the Bible says. On the contrary, the Bible says that if we want to be spiritual, we should be drunk.

Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: The Organic Study of John's Writings, Week 5, Friday:

Praise the Lord! Now we are burning, burning, burning! We are filled with the Spirit, saturated and soaked with oil, and we are burning, jumping and exercising our spirit. This does not mean to say that to be filled with the Spirit we have to jump. But certainly whoever is filled with the Spirit jumps. If you have never jumped in your life, maybe you have never been filled with the Spirit and are still not set on fire. Thank the Lord that we can burn!

Dong Yu Lan, Conference in London, Canada, October 14, 2007, Question and Answer Session:

You also need to help all the ones who serve the young ones to bring your children here. I believe that all the ones who are serving, they have received the help already. I don't think they will tell the young people, "Hey, you need to come to the meeting. How come you're not in the meeting?" Do you say that to the young people? Do you do that? [Translator says, no, no effect.] And this is the legal way. We don't do it this way anymore. We're doing it organically, in an organic way. One by one, we try to bring them to be with us. If today they don't come, we'll try to bring them tomorrow. If tomorrow they don't come, the day after tomorrow. If today they don't release their spirit, we'll try to help them so that they could release their spirit tomorrow. Today they won't jump, but tomorrow they may jump. We'll just lead them gradually. But you need to be an example to them.

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Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, February 5, 2008, Message 7:

The young people are here full of fire, singing and jumping, but it does not mean that they have the growth of life. But, at least, in this condition you can get the growth of life.

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E-mail from Salomon Ma, Joao Antonelli, and Cesar Antonelli, Europe Spread Report, May 22, 2007:

Later we went to Lorrach, where we had four 4 glorious days of conference. In total 50 brothers from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil participated. The word flowed as rivers of living waters, touching and illuminating all, causing a glorious reaction on everyone without exception! The atmosphere was glorious, all the saints overflowing with the Spirit! It was so good to see the German brothers free, jumping, singing, and calling in a loud voice! How much progress in one year of organic ministry!

Ezra Ma, Special Meeting for Responsible Brothers, Estância Árvore da Vida, July 19, 2006 (from the website of the church in Cañete, Chile):

Excerpt 1:
For me, brothers, in the past I considered myself as someone who released the spirit but to jump, I was always looked at with some reservation. I could not jump. I could see the saints jumping at the front, dancing, making "trains," but I couldn't do it, despite considering myself as someone who released the spirit. When I shared I released my spirit, but there was a shell. I couldn't do it. That does not mean that everybody who jumps releases the spirit. No, but for sure when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, nothing will contain your joy, nothing will retain your joy.

Excerpt 2:
That is, brothers, when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit, he has a characteristic, he has an appearance, an appearance of being drunk. He is drunk. Tonight while we were jumping, it looked like we were drunk. Are we or no? We are drunk with the Spirit. When someone is drunk with wine, with liquor, they also jump, say things, they lose control, the alcohol takes over, but we are not drunk with wine, we are not drunk with money or with the world, we are drunk with the Spirit. There is an externalization, a joy. We jump, we leap, we shout, we laugh, we speak.

Excerpt 3:
So the rivers of living waters are within us. Why don't they flow? Because in the judicial recovery we built a bulkhead. The bulkhead of our good behavior. The bulkhead of our countenance. The bulkhead of our coyness. The bulkhead of our status. The bulkhead of our position. The bulkhead of this, of that. The bulkhead of the soul. The bulkhead of the mind. Today the Lord will detonate the bulkheads. The Lord will detonate the bulkheads. Detonate it! Let us stand up and declare: detonate my bulkhead. Detonate my bulkhead!

Excerpt 4:
Amen, brothers, let's stand up. Stand up, brothers. Don't do this exercise in a formal way. Do it between you and the Lord. It's not jumping that will release you. It's your desperation within you. It's your disposition, your attitude before the Lord. While we exercise, in our spirit you are touching the Lord. You are stretching your arm to touch the Lord. When you are calling, doing this exercise, you are putting down one by one all the ones in that crowd, putting down one by one the barriers for you to reach the Lord. Amen, brothers? So let's do the exercises. The first one is very easy. It involves our body. It has to be spirit, soul, and body. First, raise up your arms on high and call desperately.

Excerpt 5:
The second exercise, brothers, with this kind of spirit, is to raise up the arms and leap, calling desperately. Brothers, you may say I'm not going to leap, but if you cannot overcome 20cm, how do you hope to be taken on that day? Gravity wants to hold you down with the weight of your oldness. Leap to demonstrate to the Lord that you want to be free from the pull of gravity, the pull of this world. So raise up your arms and call, Oh Lord Jesus.

Excerpt 6:
The third exercise is the same: to empty ourselves to be filled, to touch the Lord desperately and celebrate our entering into the kingdom. It's a little bit crazier. It's for you to shake your arms. Shaking your arms crazily. Celebrating the victory of the Lord in you. Now you may say. What does this mean? A lot of things. It depends on you. You may say to break the shell, you have to break like this. So then, break the shell like that. Oh Lord Jesus.

Excerpt 7:
The last one is the craziest one. It's for you to tap dance, to do that to break the barriers, to tap dance to vibrate with joy. And if you want to you can tap dance remembering that verse: Now the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. You can tap dance, crushing the head of the serpent. Lord Jesus.

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 Excerpt 1:  Excerpt 2:  Excerpt 3:  Excerpt 4:
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105"Anyone Who Is Filled with the Spirit Must Have Jumped"

Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, February 19, 2007, Message 5:

Gradually we are getting old. At the beginning, you were burning, filled with the Spirit as drunk with the wine, and jumping around; that is beautiful. Then as you are jumping, you might also be getting old. I am not saying that without jumping we cannot be filled with the Spirit. But anyone who is filled with the Spirit must have jumped. If you have not jumped, you have not been filled with the Spirit.

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106Boasting That Jumping Is "Something New"

Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, September 8, 2007, Message 13:

For the most part, the judicial redemption is in the soul, but now we are in the spirit. Therefore our mind needs to be renewed; we should no longer remain in the old, judicial mind. In this conference, the Lord has given us many new things. If our mind is not renewed, we cannot keep up. When you were in the judicial recovery, did you see people jumping around with joy? But they do it now because they are filled with the Spirit, just as they are drunk with the wine. If your mind is still in the judicial realm, you will reject it and dismiss it as a Pentecostal move. It shows that your mind is not yet renewed. The Holy Spirit has led us to have something new. Romans tells us that we have the newness of the spirit...therefore your mind needs to keep up with the newness in your spirit.

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