Notes 53-57, 70-72 - Brother Dong Claims That the Churches in Brazil Are the "Organic
and That Only South America Will Carry Out God's Commission
53Brother Dong Says the Churches in Brazil Have Left the "Judicial Recovery"
Dong Yu Lan, Conference in Piracicaba, Brazil, September 30, 2007, Message 2:
Some people, however, purposely accuse the churches in South America of having deviated from the recovery. To take it positively, this is truth; to take it negatively, this is malicious defamation. They claim that we in Brazil have left the recovery. I will respond this way: the churches in Brazil, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, have indeed left the "judicial recovery." Though we still use the judicial messages, yet we are advancing to the organic realm.
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Recently Brother Dong falsely claimed that the churches following him had been "kicked out" of the Lord's recovery because they call on the Lord and pray-read the Word. On May 3, 2009, in Message 2 of his conference in Bariloche, Argentina, he said:
Did the church in Sardis do the work of recovery? Did the church of the recovery do the work of recovery? At least there is a group of people who are not satisfied with the recovery. Why? They are really doing the work of recovery. They are not just claiming, "I am the recovery, I am the recovery." They are actually doing the work of the recovery. Although there is no genuine recovery, this group of people is carrying out the recovery. This is the church in Philadelphia. The church in Philadelphia came out from the church of recovery. Why? Because they wanted to practice calling on the Lord and pray-reading the Word. They wanted to recover what the church in Smyrna practiced. Although they were in the recovery, what they practiced was calling on the Lord and pray-reading the Word. For this reason, they were kicked out by the church in Sardis, because the church in Sardis was completely living in their soul; they were unwilling to call on the Lord and pray-read the Word to be in their spirit. But those who wanted to be in the spirit by calling on the Lord and pray-reading the Word were kicked out. Thank the Lord. Who are the people who were kicked out? They came out of the recovery. Their living is the living of loving one another. Why? They have forsaken their soul life. Now they have been completely separated....
We cannot say, as the church of the recovery claims that they are the church of the recovery, that we are the church in Philadelphia, but what we are practicing is the church in Philadelphia. Hallelujah! Thank and praise the Lord! So, you must keep the crown of life and not lose it. You have passed through the church in Thyatira and the church in Sardis. Now you have come out of the church in Sardis and become the church in Philadelphia. You have gained the crown of life. You must not lose it.
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54Brother Dong Says That the Churches in Brazil Have Become the "Organic Recovery"
See note 53.
55Brother Dong and His Co-workers Says That Their Way of "Spirit and Life" Is the "Last Recovery"
André Dong, E-mail to Juan Rubilar, July 19, 2007:
The way of spirit and life is the last recovery and there won't be any other one as this age ends to bring the Lord back.
André Dong, E-mail to Miguel Angel Lagos, July 23, 2007:
Let us follow our conscience, but I want to tell you that the way of spirit and life is the last recovery; there is no other. We should live intensively in the spirit and walk in the spirit to gain life and deny the soul life because only in this way the Lord could have a way in us and we could grow and mature and even be useful to Him. No more biblical doctrines that just fill the mind and cause division among us.
Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: Practicing the Books of Timothy and Titus, Week 18, Tuesday:
Satan uses the same methods he used at Paul's time to quench the Spirit and life, Christ and the church. But he forgets that the Lord's return is near and the Spirit has been intensified seven-fold. The Lord is now moving faster and faster. The last recovery is the recovery of Spirit and life, and it is now being put into practice. Spirit and life are not exclusively for South America but for all the earth. In spite of Satan trying to damage us, we have the promise of life.
56Brother Dong Claims That Only South America Will Carry Out God's Commission
Dong Yu Lan, Conference in Piracicaba, Brazil, September 29, 2007, Message 1:
God has revealed to the churches in South America His highest purpose—Gen. 1:28. He commissioned it to no one else but us, because he knows that only the churches in Brazil will put His word into practice.
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Dong Yu Lan, Conference in London, Canada, October 14, 2007, Question and Answer Session:
Yes, the Bible does say that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached to the whole inhabited earth... But for the time being this has been practiced only in South America, only for the time being. In Mexico, I never heard them talk about this gospel of the kingdom. They talk about the church; the church is still in that stage of the church to church. They have not seen yet that the Lord put us in the church for the kingdom. They haven't had this light yet.
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57Brother Dong Claims That the Churches Outside South America Are Still in the "Judicial" Realm
Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, September 3, 2007, Message 4:
When we were under the judicial leadership in the churches in the recovery, we all fell into the judicial realm, where we focused very much on the truths in the Bible, especially those in Paul's epistles. But they merely studied and discussed those truths, fellowshipping about what those truths are. Thank the Lord for bringing us forward into John's ministry.
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Dong Yu Lan, Conference in Santiago, Chile, July 14, 2007, Message 2:
All the ones that are judicial haven't passed through any suffering because they are unwilling to suffer. We were told that when they went to Africa to preach the gospel, they stayed in a five-star hotel, because [the place where people lived] was too dirty. So, twenty to thirty brothers met in this five-star hotel. And they spoke judicial messages: first point, second point, third point, fourth point, and then it was over. Why? Because they do not have the willingness to suffer. One of them, a leading brother in the U.S.... When the saints in Brazil still went to the U.S. [for trainings], the Mexican brothers had a fellowship in Tijuana. Tijuana is a city on the US-Mexico [border]; the church was being established. They invited the saints in the U.S. to go to their first table meeting. These brothers said they would not go, because they did not want to suffer. At that time the Brazilian brothers were staying in one of their churches, so the brothers from Tijuana came to invite me. "We will go; all of us will go!" André was my translator. One brother even told me not to drink the water in Mexico but to bring water from the U.S. You see, they are not willing to suffer. We were the ones that went to the first table meeting in Tijuana, the church in Tijuana. Dear brothers, why? Because they were afraid of infectious diseases; they would rather protect themselves from getting sick than care for others in love. Dear brothers and sisters, all this belongs to the judicial realm—unwillingness to suffer.
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See note 96 concerning Brother Dong's claim that the North American co-workers are unwilling to suffer.
70Brother Dong Claims That Only the Churches in Brazil Have Advanced to the "Organic" Stage
See note 53.
71Dong Yu Lan Claims That Only the Churches in South America Practice Propagation
See note 56.
72Dong Yu Lan Implies That the Churches Outside South America Have Bowed the Knee to Baal
Dong Yu Lan, International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida, September 3, 2006, Message 3:
Thanks to the Lord that He has preserved seven thousand that didn't bend the knees to Baal. Hallelujah! Hallelujah for us in South America. Praise the Lord! We have received and practiced the many words that the Lord spoke through our Brother Lee. We value what Brother Lee has revealed to us in 1966 regarding calling on the name of the Lord. Calling on the name of the Lord was abandoned when the church in Smyrna was exterminated. Satan turned it off. It remained off for 1657 years.
But hallelujah! In 1966 the Lord recovered this practice. How precious it is! Unfortunately this preciousness has been lost by many brothers. Brother Lee also spoke to the elders: "If you are not the model of people that call on the name of the Lord, this is going to be a motive of pride for you, your problem of pride." This is not I who speak; I am just repeating what is already printed in books. It is the same as Peter and the other apostles who didn't want to apply the word of the Lord. But praise the Lord, the Lord has still preserved a group of people who didn't bow before Baal.
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