Notes 34-35 - Misuse of Brother Lee's Appraisal of His Visit to Brazil in 1984
34Brother Lee's Appreciation of the Brazilian Saints' Appetite and Increase from Use of His Ministry
A Report Given by Brother Lee on His Visit to Brazil, given in Anaheim California, March 25, 1984:
And eventually the blessing came in for the spread and increase, mainly from their use of the Life-study messages. And these Life-study messages became and still are so popular among them—in their homes, in their conversations, in their fellowships, in their talks, I realize, all the time Life-study. Yet, listen, they didn't get so many translations of all these books yet. They only got the translations of the Life-study messages on Genesis, on Exodus, on John, and a few on other books. Listen, just so few, yet they all have been used by the Lord to bless.
Click the icon to view an excerpt from the video of this report. ![]()
35Misuse of Brother Lee's Evaluation of His 1984 Visit to Brazil
Brother Dong continues to speak of Brother Lee's report after his visit to Brazil in 1984 as if it was an evaluation of the current state of the churches in South America, even though that was over twenty years ago:
Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: Practicing the Book of Acts, Week 11, Saturday:
In 1984 brother Lee came to Brazil to minister in a conference at the Estância Árvore da Vida in Sumaré. When he saw all the saints coming out of their houses, lodgings, and tents and going to the meetings filled with joy, he said, "It is like the children of Israel going up to Jerusalem singing songs of ascent." When he saw the saints singing and releasing their spirit in the meeting he said, "When you sing in the spirit, I don't even remember my name." Since 1975, when the churches in South America began to blossom, we have persevered in the practice of calling on the name of the Lord and pray-reading the word. In this way, all the brothers and sisters have grown in life. In the conference in 1984, after Brother Lee gave a message and the saints came to the front to share what they had gotten, he began to say, "When the saints come to share, they bring out all the gold nuggets in the messages." He was very encouraged and said, "Your response is very quick." This was possible because the saints were in the spirit, calling on the name of the Lord and pray-reading the word. Thank the Lord!
Dong Yu Lan, National Conference in San Bernardo, Chile, April 4, 2009, Message 1:
In 1984 he came to visit us. When he saw the brothers here being so much in the spirit, growing in life, he was very pleased and encouraged. Afterward when he went to other countries, he wanted them to take Brazil as a pattern of calling on the Lord in the spirit.
Click the icon to listen to an excerpt from the audio of this message. ![]()
Dong Yu Lan, Conference in Newton, Massachusetts, October 27, 2006, Message 1:
In 1984 after returning from Brazil, brother Lee gave a testimony concerning what he saw there in Brazil. Then he explained why the brothers in Brazil were growing so much in life; it was because they were in the spirit, they were filled with joy!
Click the icon to listen to an excerpt from the audio of this message. ![]()
The Portuguese translation Remaining in the Unique New Testament Ministry of God's Economy under the Proper Leadership in His Move which was distributed by Brother Dong and his co-workers included an additional chapter that makes use of Brother Lee's words to give the impression that Brother Lee endorsed Brother Dong's work, even though it contradicts the principles set forth in the book. The addition of this chapter was not carried out in fellowship with, nor was it approved by, the co-workers, whose fellowship the booklet contained, or LSM, which published it.