Rom. 16:17 - Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them.

2 Tim. 2:25 - In meekness correcting those who oppose, if perhaps God may give them repentance unto the full knowledge of the truth.

Notes 21-22 - Brother Lee's Burden for Co-workers to Labor in South America

21Brother Lee's Burden for Co-workers to Labor in South America (before 1985)

Note: Excerpts showing Brother Lee's burden for co-workers to labor in South America from 1985 on are in note 22. The year following each excerpt is the year it was spoken.


Suppose the saints in the church here [in Los Angeles] feel the need to invite a worker from Texas. They have the full liberty to invite him. If they feel the need to invite another one from Europe, another one from Africa, and another one from South America, they have the full liberty to do so. This is the proper way for us to practice. ( The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life , p. 114). (1963)

We are the children of Abraham, who migrated, traveled, and sojourned all the time. Some may need to migrate from the west coast to the east coast, passing through Idaho, Missouri, Chicago, and other places in the Midwest, Boston, Washington D. C., Florida, and then on to Mexico, Central America, and South America. Do not be settled; do not be "those who dwell on the earth." ( A General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the Church, Part 4: Revelation , p. 383) (1964)

I have the assurance that the Lord is merciful to us. If in addition to this we are faithful to Him, in no more than three years some brothers and sisters will go out for the purpose of the gospel. Some may go to the east coast, Canada, Mexico, or South America, not as missionaries but simply as disciples going out for the gospel. For the Lord's recovery we need to go out. ( Serving in the Meetings and in the Gospel , p. 64) (1964)


The United States is located at the crossroads of the world with two great oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, on two sides like the two wings of an eagle. It is easy to move in any direction from the United States: from the Pacific coast we can take care of Asia and the Far East; from the Atlantic coast we can take care of Europe and Africa. We can also take care of North and South America. This is wonderful! This is God's sovereignty. ( The Kingdom , p. 111) (1972)

22Brother Lee's Burden for Co-workers to Labor in South America (1985-1995)

Note: Excerpts showing Brother Lee's burden for co-workers to labor in South America before 1985 are in note 21. The year following each excerpt is the year it was spoken.


The entire earth needs the truth. Take South America for example. All of Central and South America have opened to the truth, especially to the truth among us. Even if we were to send two hundred full-time workers to Central and South America, that would not be enough. Everywhere there is a reverberating cry for the truth. ( Speaking for God , p. 19). (1985)

The entire globe is open to the Lord's recovery and we are short of hands. If we had two hundred full-time workers going to South America, this would still not be sufficient. In like manner if we had two hundred full-time workers going to Africa or Europe, this still would not be sufficient. Who can close the door to the Lord's recovery? The Lord told the church in Philadelphia that He had the key of David and that He had put before them an open door which no one could shut (Rev. 3:7-8). No one can shut the door to the Lord's recovery. Who opened the doors in the United States for the Lord's recovery? I did not do it and I was not qualified or able to do it. The Lord did it. Who opened the doors in Europe and South America? The Lord Himself. The entire world is open to the Lord's recovery. I hate to see that we do not have that many proper persons going out to spread the recovery. I expect and hope that many of you will be raised up to be more useful than I was. Many of you can testify that I do not keep any of the Lord's work "in my pocket." ( Elders' Training, Book 5: Fellowship Concerning the Lord's Up-to-Date Move , p. 93) (1985)

Brothers, please remember that when you administrate the church, you are not administrating for that local church, but for Christ's universal Body. If a brother in that local church has the burden to move to South America, you should not restrain him, but rather you should thank the Lord and encourage him, giving him an allowance for travel, family support, and three years' living expenses. If you are willing to do this, the church will be blessed. ( On Home Meetings , p. 60) (1985)

Today Central and South America are completely open to the Lord's recovery. Even if we send up to a thousand full-time workers, still they would not be enough to meet the need of these places. ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 63) (1986)

This term of the full-time training is approaching the end. In the coming term we will have classes for different languages, teaching the trainees a third foreign language other than English, such as Spanish and Japanese. Now the need for Spanish is very great. Consider Central and South America for instance. Even if we were to send three hundred co-workers there right now, it would not be sufficient to meet the need. ( Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord's Recovery, Book 1: The Vision and Definite Steps for the Practice of the New Way , p. 250) (1986)

We have included some language classes in the full-time training. This is for the preparation of the gospelization of Taiwan and the whole earth. After we have gospelized the island of Taiwan, some full-timers will be sent abroad, in particular to South America, Africa, Australasia, Japan, and Korea. Hence, they will need to learn the respective languages. ( Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord's Recovery, Book 1: The Vision and Definite Steps for the Practice of the New Way , p. 348) (1986)

If we have Paul's intention, when the time comes, God will sovereignly arrange everything to allow us to serve Him full-time. If we continue to hold a job, then the Lord may also arrange the way for us to be a testimony for Him on our job. For example, we may have to migrate to Australia, move to Africa to operate a business, or go to South America to establish a factory. But wherever we go, we have to go with a spirit of being full-time to raise up churches or function in the church in that locality. However, all these matters require us to be equipped first. Thus, we need to try our best to equip ourselves whenever possible. ( The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity , p. 139). (1986)

The raising up of the churches in Australia, Europe, Africa, and America is mainly through the literature in the Lord's recovery. However, the literature alone is not adequate; there is the need for people to go and strengthen them. South America, Europe, and Australia have always hoped for people to go to help them. It is well known that the best place for producing workers is Taiwan. The current phase is to have all the full-timers go through a year of training in Taiwan, work through every town and village in Taiwan, and then set out to go overseas. In the soon-to-be-launched Full-Time Training, those who join the training must first study Greek and learn its grammar; then they will be able to use reference books and dictionaries. Second, they must learn English so that they can at least read and speak it. Third, they need to choose and learn either Japanese or Spanish. In this way, the needs of various places can be met. ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 63) (1986)

The present world has been polluted by Christianity for more than one thousand years, so the truth of God has no way to spread. Therefore, today we all have to receive the commission to spread the truth throughout the world. This is not an easy thing. It is not like in the past when the Western missionaries came to China. At that time the Chinese people were like blank sheets of paper toward Christianity. The missionaries just hired some poor or low-class people by giving them candy or money. They asked them to cook meals or sweep the floor for them, and then they preached a little sermon to them. But today we cannot do that when we go to South America, Europe, or Africa. Because all these places have already been fully polluted by Christianity, when we go, we must be familiar with the truth and have much learning in the matter of service so that we may be able to meet the need. ( The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity , p. 151) (1986)

If a full-timer produced by the church in New York goes to serve in coordination in Brazil, the Lord in His sovereignty will care for his needs in Brazil. Then he can tell the church in New York that he no longer needs their support because the Lord has already taken care of it. ( Bearing Remaining Fruit, Vol. 2 , p. 351) (1987)

We must live out what the Bible says and take the scriptural way, especially when we meet. This requires us to be spiritual, to fellowship with the Lord, and to experience the Lord's Word. Thus, our burden is that wherever we go—whether to Taipei, Kaohsiung, South America, or even the uttermost part of the earth—this is what we would work out. ( Being Up-to-date for the Rebuilding of the Temple , p. 119) (1987)

I hope that all the young brothers and sisters, after they graduate from college, will go to knock on doors for fruit-bearing. Where should you go? Go to Africa, South America, North America, and Europe; go to all parts of the world and go to all of the nations to knock on doors. ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 35) (1987)

If we have one thousand brothers and sisters, each one can immediately be sent out, because Western Europe is opened, New Zealand is opened, Australia is opened, and even Eastern Europe, Africa, South America, and Central America are all opened up. Every letter sent to us from the major continents all over the globe has fellowshipped with us regarding the need for people to go. But where are the people? We do not have enough people even to meet the need of Taiwan, or even just Taipei, not to mention the whole earth. Where are the people? ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 53) (1987)

Imagine if the Lord delays His coming for twenty or thirty years, and the young people of this generation go forth with a burden to Africa, South America, Australia, and New Zealand, leading multitudes of people to salvation. How glorious this will be! ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 55) (1987)

The people from Taiwan gospelizing the entire world, and the brothers and sisters from Taiwan trekking all over the earth—what a wonderful prospect that would be! Where will you go—to Africa, South America, Central America, North America, Eastern Europe, or Western Europe? We can pray to the Lord, "O Lord, where should I go? O Lord, where do You want me to go?" May we all answer the Lord, "O Lord, here am I; send me." ( A Blessed Human Life , p. 58) (1987)


At present, doors are opened to the Lord's recovery in all six continents of the world. Mainly they were opened through our publications and through the video and audio tapes of messages. In places like Mexico, Central America, and South America, it is not the opening of city after city, but the opening of whole continents. The need is unprecedented in the history of Christianity. Even Africa and India in Asia are also opened up, not to mention many other places. Even if we had many more people, they would not be able to meet the demand. We are truly short of manpower. In southern California alone, we are unable to meet the need. ( The Mysteries in God's New Testament Economy , pp. 13-14) (1990)

Because the recovery is real and rich in truth, the entire world is open to the recovery. Especially, I would say that all of Central America and South America, with Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands, are open to us. We have so many requests from these places for some to come and help them. This has become our burden. We cannot bear this much. We are short of hands. If we had fifty co-workers who would be able to go to help meet the present demand, it still would not be sufficient. ( Elders' Training, Book 11: The Eldership and the God-Ordained Way (3) , p. 107) (1991)

In the region of Central America and the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, Belize, etc., and South America, the door is open everywhere and there is the need for people to go. ( A General Outline of God's Economy and the Proper Living of a God-Man , p. 64) (1994)

This is why we have to go out with God to the four directions of the earth to be the gates, bringing God with us to present to people. This is why we have to go to Russia to the north, to Africa to the south, to Malaysia to the east, and to South America to the west. The Lord is doing this among us to spread His economy. This Triune God today is willing to receive any repentant sinner to come and enter into the New Jerusalem through such an entry which was established by Christ through His death and resurrection. ( The Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem to the Seeking Believers , p. 25) (1995)

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