Rom. 16:17 - Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them.

2 Tim. 2:25 - In meekness correcting those who oppose, if perhaps God may give them repentance unto the full knowledge of the truth.

Dong Yu Lan—Excerpt from Testimony Given in Taipei, Taiwan, on November 23, 1981

When God's work began, the word was needed. How do you supply them? You cannot just tell them to call on the Lord all day long; you cannot just tell them to pray-read the word all day long. You need to give them something. I myself attended the training of the ministry in the United States in 1968, 1970, 1971, and 1973. In 1975, after I returned from the training, I had some fellowship with the brothers concerning bringing them to Brother Lee for the perfecting of the word of the ministry. As a result, from 1976, every summer and winter, we had brothers from Brazil who went to the United States for the training. We received much help. After each training, all of our messages and church activities were based on the content of the messages from the training.

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DCP is a project to defend and confirm the New Testament ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and the practice of the local churches.